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Nursing credentials validation

We know firsthand that the process of validating your credentials in the United States can be a very hard process, so we have created a system that helps you make the whole process easy and convenient.

A process that we can do remotely

You can start the process from wherever you are in the world, and we will work with you to gather all the necessary information for your case.

By your side from beginning to end

You will be assigned to one of our expert advisors, and we will accompany you from the beginning, until you arrive in the United States.

Making certain initial decisions will be crucial in determining the path your case will take, so it is important that we are hand in hand with each of them, and can give you options that are unique to you.

We have a perfectly designed system to streamline each of the processes of our customers, but this system is designed for the sole purpose of reducing certain times, as we design the strategy of each of the people who enter the process without skimping on the time invested.

Your goal and ours is the same, so we will work in unison to achieve it.

Financial stability Financial stability
Job safety Job safety
Leisure time Leisure time
Career growth  Career growth
Permanent residence Permanent residence
Credentials validation
Nursing Licensure (NCLEX - RN Examination)
Healthcare Worker Certification
Employment / Sponsorship

A strategic process designed just for you

Nursing experts from Spain & UK

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    Expert advisor assignment
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    Access to our nurses platform
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    Direct contact with your sponsor
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    Unlimited consulting
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    Case-specific follow-up
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    Nursing Board Registration
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    Nursing Credentials Evaluation case preparation
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    Official Certified Translation Services
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    NCLEX-RN exam included (1 time)
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    Top-of-the-line NCLEX-RN study material

Starts today

$ 4000

Price per one-time payment:


Easy payment by months

Pay in 4 / m
Pay in 6 / m
Pay in 9 / m
Pay in 11 / m